Hey there, I’m Atom, Rabu Rabu’s programmer and image editor. I’ve been programming since 2009 and enjoy reverse engineering game engines. I was first introduced to visual novels by the anime “Oreimo” and finished “Da Capo II” soon after.
Projects: Lover Able
Editor, Miyu lover, and WUG fan. WUG is the greatest anime ever made.
Projects: Lover Able
Editor, QC, Emergency IMG Editor, All around multi-tool. I’m here because Red kidnapped me (send help), and I love any and all things moe.
Projects: Lover Able
Herro I’m cwynn from Wales. I work as a TLC. I like cakes and lolis. NEET. Will forever be NEET.
Projects: Lover Able
Hello I’m ke-ke. I live in Japan. I’m working as a TLC in here. My favorite Ero-ge are “Otome ha Boku ni Koishiteru”, “Air” and “Custom maid 3D”.
Projects: Lover Able
Hey, Soldier here. I’m helping with TLC to make sure that reading this won’t make your brains explode. Well, in a bad way, at least. So far so good.
Projects: Lover Able