
We have decided to disable the downloads for the trial versions.
Please wait for the final release.


  1. Download and install the game
    The trials are available in their original form from one of the mirror links above.
    Mirror 1 is hosted by us and no. 2 by the developers themselves.
    Alternatively, you can download the pre-patched trials by using the green links.
    The main game can be obtained via Official shop page
    Run the installation wizard for the main game or extract the trial zip into a new directory.
    You do not need to install the official v1.02 update as it is already contained in our patches.

  2. Download and install the patch
    If you decided to download the pre-patched version (only available for the trials), you can skip this step.
    Download the latest patch for the correct version of the game.
    Currently, the latest patch version for trial 1 is v1.19 and for trial 2 it’s v1.17.
    Once you have downloaded the patch, extract LPatch.exe into your game directory and run it.
    Click ‘Patch’ and wait for the tool to finish.
    Note: The patcher may temporarily use up to 2 GB of RAM. This is due to the fact that we have to load the entire game archive into memory before writing it back to disk.

  3. Change the locale for non-Unicode software
    Like a lot of old software, the Lover Able engine does not support the whole Unicode character set.
    Therefore, it is necessary to make some simple changes to your system configuration.

    Do not skip this step, otherwise the game might not render text properly.

  4. That’s it!
    We hope you enjoy our translation of Lover Able. Feel free to leave feedback in the comments on our website or at